June 20, 2013

Beauty and make up tutorial: nearly 60 years distance, spot the difference!

A few days ago I was browsing on You Tube when I found a great video posted by the Vintage make-up guides. It is actually a make up tutorial from the 1940's: two lovely ladies sitting at their dressing table showing how to smooth their faces and how to use lipstick very  thoroughly because "Lipstick is your exclamation point! " and of course to make sure your lipstick matches your nail polish and your "rouge".  All of sudden I realised that was exactly what we watch now daily on You Tube: lovely ladies doing make up tutorials to teach beauty tricks, giving opinions of which products are the best for what.

So I started thinking at the whole concept of beauty over 60 years ago, at the time when my granny would have been a young woman, living in a very difficult period of history were everything was influenced by the war, beauty not excluded. That was the time of bright red lips, narrow hips and skirts that ended just below the knee, where despite the fact people were living with the bare minimun, women were strong and intended to show their femininity for themselves and for their own country.

As a young woman today living in the recession, which  I concede  can't  really be compared with what our grand parents went through, but still is difficult enough to make unemployment and redundancy an obstacle to create a future for myself and my future generation, I wonder how much we are influenced by our past and what role beauty has today on our life.

We are surrounded by beauty blogs ( ehhhhmmmm yes this is one those ), You Tube videos, Tumblr, Pinterest and other tutorials which all have the same purpose: sharing. This is the vehicle that we use to share our beauty tips and review products that we love or don't, to choose a product that is really worth trying and spending our money on, and I guess this is our way of still caring for our look and not waste pennies.

So I wonder, as a new generation are we really different from those strong impeccable women from the '40s ?
I know is a different type of blog post from my usual products reviews, but I would love to know your thoughts about it :)

Ila x


  1. This is an amazing post, I love how you've written it! I love anything 1920s, 1940s, 1950s, etc and you've done a good job, I love the photos!x


    1. Hello Lamey,

      Thank you very much for your comment. It is a different post from my usual one but I really enjoyed writing it :)
      Ila x

  2. Love this post, definitely going to check out the ladies on YouTube! Haha!!

    The Clothes Maiden

    1. It's such a great video :) Unbelievably similar to today's beauty tutorials!
      Thanks for passing by ^^

      Ila x

  3. I love this post soo nice to read something a little different.



    1. Hello Lisa,
      i'm so glad you liked it :) I hope it would have been nice to reading something beauty related but not another product review.
      Thanks for passing by!
      Ila x

  4. Great different post.
    Hm a great thought I think we aren't as different from the ladies back than as we want to be. But I think our generation is more to be compared to the 70's and 80's with all the retro trends going on.

    Christina xx

    1. Hey Christina,
      thanks for your comment! yes I agree..I find it very funny how we try to go forward in so many different aspects of life but we are always with a eye opened on the past trying to recreate what has been done previously :)
      Hope I'll see you here again with more comments!

      Ila x

  5. Love posts like this, it's very different to what you come across on your dashboard!

    Bookmarked the video and wil it a watch tonight.



    1. Hello Halima,

      Thanks you :) all the positive comments are making me very happy to share a different post with you all. Hope you liked the video..I found it brilliant :D

      Ila x

  6. Hi Ila!

    I am sooo in love with vintage style from the 40-60s! I think look from that period is timeless. I'm not sure what the difference is b/w women back then and women today. But back then, there wasn't as much information circulating around. So women couldn't really experiment as much with different looks. I think today we are always for the next new thing, so our style is not as cohesive as it was back then.

    By the way, I also did a similar post of a vintage Marie Claire and discussing beauty tips from 1939. It's quite amusing actually. Check it out! http://www.ziba-blog.com/tag/vintage-beauty-tips/

    1. Hello Kareen,

      Love you comment and I completely agree with you. I will definitely check out your post :) i think if I could choose a time in the past that I would like to live it would be the 40-60s..not only fashion wise.

      Ila x


  7. Ciao Ila!
    Questo post è senz'altro differente dai tuoi soliti articoli, ma è stato davvero molto piacevole da leggere, mi piace quello che hai scritto, le riflessioni che hai fatto e anche come l'hai scritto! Io penso che in noi viva sempre un piccolo pezzo del passato... tutto si evolve, ma niente si distrugge :)

    1. Ciao Chiaretta :)
      Grazie mille mi fa piacere come sempre ricevere un tuo commento e son felice che post del genere anche se un po' diversi vengano letti con piacere!

      Ila x

  8. Hello Yania,

    thank you, I will definitely check out your blog :)

    Ila x

  9. I think every time/women is different and one is not better then another! :)

    1. Hey Nathalie,

      Thanks for passing by :) yeah mine wasn't a comparing, I was more surprise to find so many similarity with something that was happening 60-70 years ago :)

      Ila x

  10. wow that's amazing, i had no idea that makeup tutorials were being filmed such a long while back! i love how so much yet so little has changed xo

    1. Hello Natasha :)
      Yes I guess they were sort of documentaries to informe the ladies of that time what was the last tendence on make up so yes we could call them tutorials :))
      Thanks for leaving your comment!

      Ila x



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