May 13, 2013

Pampering with Liz Earle Cleans&Polish

Since I moved to London over 6 years ago, I have been having this polygamist relationship with the city  where, despite the fact it cheats on me, I am still completely in love like the first day I saw it. 
One of the many good things of living here it's the fact that I can cycle to work..
I love cycling, I really do.. for so many reasons like re-creating a daily bond with the nature, it stresses me less than taking transport and it keeps me healthy (with the last sentence I am not counting the fact that I indulge in cakes and chocolate thinking "yeah I'll burn it off cycling" and I never do....).
There are also bad aspects of cycling to work too, like sometimes being stuck in the traffic surrounded by cars (pollution? what am I moaning about I have been living in Rome for 23 years ?) and having often dry skin because the wind/rain/cold etc..

Da quando mi sono trasferita a Londra piu' di 6 anni fa, ho iniziato questa relazione poligama con la citta', dove nonostante mi tradisca giornalmente, io continuo ad amarla come il primo giorno che l'ho vista..
Una delle cose piu' belle nel vivere qui, e' la possibilita' di andare a lavoro in bicicletta...lo adoro per moltissime ragioni: per il fatto che riesco a ricreare un legame con la natura giornaliero, per il fatto che lo trovo meno stressante del prendere mezzi di trasporto e per il fatto che riesce a mantenermi in forma (con l' ultima frase cerco di non pensare alle volte mi vizio con un pezzo di torta o mangiando cioccolata, ripetendo tra me e me " vabbe' tanto poi queste calorie le brucio" e non succede mai..)
Ci sono pero' anche degli aspetti negativi nell'andare in bicicletta a lavoro: come quando sono incastrata nel traffico circondata da macchine (inquinamento? ma di che mi lamento che ho vissuto per 23 anni a Roma?), o anche avere la pelle del viso molto secca cause vento/freddo/pioggia etc..

And here it comes the protagonist of this post: the Cleanse & Polish hot cloth cleanser by Liz Earle.
The title of this post says it all! Yes, because it's a really indulgent pampering treat for your skin when you are back from work or from a cycle and you get ready for a hot bath and a deep cleans with this lovely product.

Ed e' qui che entra in gioco il protagonista di questo post: Il Cleans & Polish cloth cleanser della Liz EarleIl titolo di questo post la dice proprio tutta! Si, perche' riesce a coccolarti dopo una lunga giornata di lavoro stressante o una pedalata faticosa, quando sei pronta per purificare la tua pelle e saltare in un bell bagno caldo.

Cleans and Polish hot cloth cleanser by Liz Earle
I was given the Cleans and Polish hot cloth cleanser as a birthday present few years ago (Thanks Sia, you saved my life!) and now it's one of my top skin care products that I couldn't be without..
This product consists in a soft foam that you can massage on your face and neck to cleans it (it can be also used as a daily make-up remover) and afterwards with the cloth, soaked in warm water, the foam can be wiped off completely, leaving you skin fresher, cleaner and smother.

Il Cleans and Polish hot cloth cleanser mi e' stato regalato per un compleanno qualche anno fa (Sia grazie, mi hai salvato la vita!) e adesso e' uno dei primi prodotti per la cura della pelle del quale non potrei fare a meno. Questo prodotto consiste in una spuma sofficissima che si puo' massaggiare sul viso e sul collo per depurarlo (puo' essere anche usato giornalmente come struccante) e lascia la pelle piu' fresca, piu' pulita e piu' liscia.

Cleans and Polish hot cloth cleanser by Liz Earle
Apart from leaving your face feeling regenerating with the lovely smell of eucalyptus and chamomile which makes you feel relaxed and pampered straight away,  it is also a plant base cleanser which is free from mineral oil and rich of natural ingredients such as eucalyptus,  cocoa butter, chamomile and rosemary essential oils extract.

Non solo lascia il viso rigenerato con una profumazione buonissima di eucalipto e camomilla che ti fa sentire rilassato e coccolato all'istante, ma e' anche un detergente a base di piante, senza oli minerali e ricco di ingredienti naturali come l'eucalipto, il burro di cacao e estratti di oli di camomilla e rosmarino.

At this point I would expect all you going "Where can I find this little gem?"
Well of course on the Liz Earle website where 100 ml pump starter kit is £14.75.
For you Italian ladies, don't despair : Liz Earle delivers in whole Europe too.
Another place where it's possible to purchase this product is in John Lewis.

For any of you that knows this wonderful product already, would you recommend it to your friends? Have you tried any other products that you can suggest?
I am welcoming any personal experience here so please leave a comment and let me know :)

Ila x

A questo punto mi aspetto la domanda: "Dove possiamo trovare questa gemma?"
Certamente sul sito online della Liz Earle dove per 100ml pump starter kit  costa £14.75. 
Donzelle italiane non disperate: Liz Earle arriva in tutta Europa.
Un altro sito dove e' possibile acquistare questo prodotto e' il sito della John Lewis.

Per quelle di voi che hanno gia' provato questo prodotto meraviglioso, lo raccomandereste alle vostre amiche? Avete provato anche altri prodotti che potete suggerire?
Tutte le esperienze personali qui sono le benvenute quindi lasciate un commento e fatemi sapere :)

Ila x


  1. Yes, good stuff. I have the version for Men! Used to think that Clarins was the boss but Liz Earle wins. No contest.

  2. Hello Mike!

    I am glad you liked the review and thanks for sharing your opinion :) I have been looking into Clarins brand and despite the fact they say to use all natural ingredients and extracts from plants, I found few articles in the web that says that also contains parabens other chemicals ;/ In effect it is very difficult to find the completely list of their ingredients online...coincidence? I will definitely look more nto this..

    Ila x

  3. I love Cleanse & Polish! You should try out their Brightening Treatment Mask and Gentle Face Exfoliator - both are lovely :) x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

  4. Hello Evelyn! Thanks for passing by and for the tips :) I was actually looking for other Liz Earle products to try..I'll most definitely give it a go!
    Ila x

  5. Hi Ila! Nice to find your blog! I like how you describe your relationship with London as polygamous. I live in Paris and I like to describe our relationship is an "unconsummated love affair." I keep trying to love the Liz Earle polish cleanser, but my skin just reacts badly to it! I'll be writing a review of it soon. Feel free to stop by my blog :)

  6. Hey Ziba, eh eh yes my relationship with London is an "unconsummated love affair too" ..all on a platonic level but that makes me feel in love even more :)
    I am very curious to read your review and I will definitely pass by to visit your blog..
    Thanks again for your comments,

    Ila x

  7. I am a HUGE fan of Liz Earle and I'm actually running a comp on my blog at the moment to win a few of their range. Love your blog - so glad I found you on the bloghop. Hannah ( ) xx

    1. Hello Hannah,
      Thanks for passing by and leave your comment!
      I am very curious tro try other products, what would you suggest?

      Ila x

  8. Thanks for sharing the product..



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