September 22, 2013

Pampering Sunday with DIY Honey and Brown Sugar Natural Lip Scrub.

With the start of the new Autumn season and the cold weather setting in, to me and I'm sure to many of you too, this is very exciting because it means once again wearing cozy jumpers, starting to use my hot water bottle again, taking out the fluffy socks to wear around the house but it also means switching to darker lipsticks, oh yes! 
Dark red, burgundy, purple, aubergine, all amazing shades that I can't wait to start to wearing again!
But there is something important that I have recently learnt: For a good application of darker shades, you need a proper pampering session for your lips and for me, this means using a good lip scrub.
As a beauty blogger and beauty lover, I am always looking for new products to try.Up to now it has been difficult to find a nice natural lip scrub that would be worth purchasing. So "If Mohammed will not go to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed", in other words, I made one myself a: DIY Honey and Brown Sugar Lip Scrub.

Well this is a super easy and effective recipe that can be done in a few minutes and also save you some money. It's a 100% natural method so your body will really appreciate it.
Here's what you need to make your own quick and easy Honey and Brown Sugar Lip Scrub: 
  • 2 Teaspoons of Organic Brown Sugar -> It's full of Glycolic acid, a alpha-hydroxy acid that is fundamental for maintaining healthy skin by moisturising it and protecting it from toxins. 
  • 1 Teaspoon of Organic Honey -> A natural source of anti-oxidants which makes it the star ingredient for skin age prevention. It keeps the skin hydrated and also has antibacterial properties.
  • 2 Teaspoons of Organic Coconut Oil (Alternatively you can use Extra Virgin Olive oil) -> It 's also a rich antioxidant, but also has the properties to nourish, hydrate and heal the skin. 

The tools that come in handy are:

  • A little glass jar to put your scrub in once done so you can store it in the fridge to use for days afterwards;
  • A teaspoon;
  • A pot where to mix all the ingredients;

Now let's crack on with Stage 1: Take all your ingredients and put them in a little pot. Start mixing them up all together with a teaspoon or a little wood spatula if you have one.
You will see all the ingredients coming together and the coconut oil starting to melt. Keep mixing until you get a creamy smooth texture with the sugar grains ready to do their main job: get rid of dry skin and toxins and let your skin (in this case your lips) breath.

Stage 2: Once you are happy with the mixture you made, leave a small amount aside and just pop the rest into the little glass jar and store it in the fridge. You can use it every other day or every a couple of days if you prefer. It's a very gentle scrub so It won't hurt your lips.

Stage 3: Take the tiny amount of hand-made scrub into your finger and gently place it on your lips and start rubbing with a circular motion, for a minute or so.
Afterwards you can take a small cloth, wet it with some warm water to get rid of the grainy and stickiness and taaaa-daaaaa: super smooth fantastic lips in few minutes.

And now you are truly ready to wear those bold lipstick shades for the new season :)
Have you guys ever tried this scrub or any hand-made natural scrub before? Can you suggest any?
Hope you enjoyed this recipe and keep reading The Cleanser Beauty Blog for many more to come!


Ila x


  1. Beautiful! I'm using this recipe for my poor dry lippies! Thanks Ila :)

  2. Hello Ashley!
    So happy you are going to use it :) I'm sure you won't be disappointed

    Ila x

    1. I'll take your word for it :) I just tagged you in a beauty routine tag up on my blog, you should go check it out!

  3. Brilliant! I'm nearly out of my lush lip scrub so I think I'll try this next! x

    1. Yay!! well done Gemma :) let me know how you like it x

      Ila x

  4. Aw this looks so good!! I use Lush's Bubblegum lip scrub but this looks amazing and cheaper!


    1. Hey Amy,
      thanks for passing by :)
      Yes you should definitely give it a try and let me know what you think!

      Ila x

  5. Yumm I do this too! Super easy to make :)

  6. Fantastic idea looks good enough to eat!

    1. Thank you :) You can actually eat it as well ah ah!
      Ila x

  7. I love diy scrubs and beauty recipes! I'm definitely going to try this one, and I feel like it will smell extremely good!

    Please check out my giveaway:

    1. Hello Alexa :)
      glad you liked it! eh eh it does smell pretty good.

      Ila x

  8. Oh brilliant idea, never thought of mixing coconut oil too! Thank you for that helpful DIY! :) You have a really nice blog, maybe we could follow each other on GFC? Let me know xxx

    1. Hello hello!
      Thanks very much and thanks for passing by :)
      Looking forward to have a look at your blog!

      Ila x

  9. So lovely to find your blog! What a brilliant blog post, that scrub looks amazing.
    Really like that you use lots of natural beauty products too, so have followed your blog :).


    1. Emma so sweet of you :) Thank you!
      So happy to know you guys like it.

      Ila x

  10. This sounds fab! Perfect for this time of yeah! Will have to give this a go!

    1. Absolutely yes! you need a lip scrub with the cold season :)
      thanks for your comment Emily!

      Ila x

  11. My mum taught me this recipe and it works wonderfully for my lips!
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    1. awww so sweet! well an extra reason to use this lip scrub :)

      Ila x

  12. Ciao Ila! :) Bellissima ricettina! Semplice ed efficacie come piace a me! un bacione :* a presto!

    1. Chiara grazie! che bello trovarti qui :)
      Essi' spero questa sia la prima di una lunga serie..stay tuned ;)

      Ila x

  13. This is brilliant, so easy too and cheaper than buying the Lush ones!

    1. Hello Emma!
      I know I can't believe the price for lip scrubs..absolutely crazy! Have a go with this recipe and let me know :)

      Ila x

  14. This sounds gorgeous, I bet the coconut oil makes it smell amazing too :) Thank you for sharing!

    Jess xo

    1. Hello Jess, thanks for passing by :)
      I love coconut oil and the good thing is that you can use it in so many ways and has got such amazing properties...I should write a blog post about it! Anyway thanks for your comment ^^

      Ila x

  15. Such a great idea I am doing a pampering week this week so will do this one too :) xx

    1. Hello Ina!
      Thank you :) Pampering week sounds ssooooo good and this recipe is nice quick and easy so you can't go wrong:)

      Ila x

  16. This is now going to be a must try for me. I don't really like the chemical based lip scrubs and we don't have a natural beauty store like Lush here. Thank you!!

    Jenna ♥ ♥
    Northern Beauty 85

    1. Jenna I'm so glad :) I will post some new interesting skincare recipes quiet soon. I'm very happy you guys liked it so much!

      Ila x

  17. I love DIYs and this is the one of those. I have never bought a lip scrub & use this instead. Sometimes, I would skip brown sugar and use almond powder because sugar dissolves quickly.
    Great blog, I am a follower.

    Happy Locks

    1. Almond powder it's such a fantastic idea! Thank you :) I will definitely give it a go!

      Ila x

  18. I use this to exfoliate my lips too! It's so good, I love it!

    1. Hello Devona,
      Thanks for passing by :)
      aww i'm happy, if you have any other alternatives let me know.

      Ila x

  19. I use this too! Minus the coconut oil but will try with it next time. Lovely post xo

    1. Aww thank you so much! yep it can be used with olive oil instead but I love the smell of the coconut oil :)

      Ila x

  20. In times where products being composed of chemicals and hazardous substances have become very common you actually are doing a great job by sharing your own tricks and remedies.

    Lip Scrub

  21. Fantastic home remedy with brown sugar.

  22. I have tried this scrub. This lip Scrub For Dark Lips is pretty and easy to use and carry with nice fragrance.

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